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Alben Forte suspension for oral use

100 ml; 1 l
Release form :

100 ml bottles. 1 l polymeric cans.

Product benefits:

  •  Broad-spectrum effect.
  •  High efficiency.
  •  High security.
  •  Lower contamination of pastures.
  •  Easy use.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

1 ml of Alben® Forte contains albendazole - 50 mg and oxyclozanide - 37.5 mg (as active ingredients), as well as excipients.

Oxyclozanide (a component of the drug) with significant trematodocide properties has harmful effect on all development phases of fasciolae, paramphistomatides and dicrocoelia. Mechanism of oxyclozanide action includes phosphorylation damage, decreased activity of fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase in trematodes causing paralysis and death of a worm.

Albendazole is active against mature and immature gastrointestinal and pulmonary roundworms, as well as against cestodes and mature trematodes. Ovocidic action of this active ingredient allows to lower contamination of pastures by worm eggs. Antihelmintic albendazole action is caused by disorder of carbohydrate metabolism and microtubular function in worms causing death and excretion of parasites.


To deworm cattle and small ruminants with
• trematodiasis (acute and chronic fasciolasis, dicroceliasis, paramphistomidosis);
• gastrointestinal nematodosis (haemonchosis, bunostomosis, esophagostomiasis, nematodirosis, ostertagiosis, chabertiosis, cooperiosis, strongyloidosis, trichostrongylosis, trichocephaliasis, neoascariosis);
• pulmonary nematodosis (dictyocaulosis, protostrongilosis, mulleriosis, cystocaulosis);
• cestodiasis (monieziasis, avitellinosis, thysanieziosis).

To deworm pigs with ascaridosis, esophagostomiasis, metastrongilosis, trichocephaliasis, strongyloidosis and fasciolasis.

To deworm poultry with:
• trematodiasis (goose and duck echinostomatidosis);
• nematodosis (ascaridiosis, heterakidosis, capillariasis, amidostomosis, goose and duck ganguleterakidosis);
• cestodiasis (goose and duck hymenolepiasis, goose drepanidoteniasis).


Increased individual sensitivity to the drug components. Do not use in laying hens (due to drug accumulation in eggs); in contagious and debilitated animals; males and females within lay period; during the first half (sheep, goats and sows) and the first trimester of pregnancy (cows).

Dosage and administration

Ruminants - individual oral use in a single dose as follows:
• gastrointestinal nematodosis (haemonchosis, bunostomosis, esophagostomiasis, nematodirosis, chabertiosis, cooperiosis, strongyloidosis, trichostrongylosis, trichocephaliasis, neoascariosis), pulmonary nematodosis (dictyocaulosis, mulleriosis, cystocaulosis) and cestodiasis (monieziasis, avitellinosis, thysanieziosis) - 1 ml per 5 kg of body weight;
• trematodiasis (fasciolasis, dicroceliasis, eurytremosis and paramphistomidosis), ostertagiosis and protostrongilosis - 1.25 ml per 5 kg of body weight.
Pig nematodosis (ascaridosis, esophagostomiasis, metastrongilosis, trichocephaliasis, strongyloidosis) and fasciolasis - individual oral administration in a single dose (1.0 ml per 5 kg of body weight).
Goose, duck and henny nematodosis (ganguleterakidosis, ascaridiosis, heterakidosis), trematodiasis (echinostomatidosis, prosthogonimosis) and cestodiasis (drepanidoteniasis, hymenolepiasis, railletinosis): 1 ml per 5 kg of body weight for two days in succession (individual administration) or add to feed during morning feeding (group administration (≤100 animals)). Mix body weight-based dose with feed (50 g of feed per 1 bird).

Adverse events

Adverse events and complications are not generally observed in case of administration as per this package insert. Uncommon individual reactions (depression, excessive salivation, diarrhea) spontaneously disappear. Additive drug administration is not required in such cases.

Special warnings

Cattle, sheep, goats and pigs are allowed to be slaughtered for meat not earlier than 20 days after deworming. The stated period is 5 days in poultry.
Milk of milking animals is esculent not earlier than 4 days after the drug administration. Meat and milk received before stated period termination can be used to feed fur animals.


Store in original package. Protect from light. Keep out of the reach of children. Store separately from food and animal feeding at 0-20°С.

Pharmaceutical form

100 ml bottles. 1 l polymeric cans.

The information provided in this catalog is for reference only. There may be some changes in the characteristics, packaging and packaging of products.

AVZ reserves the right to make such changes without notice. You can get full information about the updated products from your personal manager or your nearest AVZ dealer.

All drugs for veterinary use from this catalog may be contraindicated and when using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the Instructions for Use.

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