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Alezan cooling gel with antitraumatic effect

500 ml
Release form :

500 ml bottle.

Product benefits:

  •  Promotes removal of oedema and pain.
  •  Contains only natural active ingredients.
  •  Quickly absorbs without greasy spots.

Chemical composition and properties

Strongly cooling Alezan gel has high penetration power, removes fatigue and tension of muscles, improves blood circulation, stimulates tissue metabolic processes, decreases oedema formation, provides antitraumatic, anti-inflammatory and dissolving effect. Use after high loadings; as a preventive measure in the setting of weak tendon-ligamentous apparatus; in injuries, joint dislocations, hematomas, tensions, tendon ruptures and tears, acute aseptic tendinitis, tendovaginitis, bursitis and acute serosal synovitis.

Alezan cooling gel contains: natural menthol, essential oils of eucalyptus, cajeput, lavender, mint and lemon; combined phytoextract of peppermint, bottle brush, horse chestnut, sage, rosemary, fern and thyme; glycerol, chitosan, camphor, ultra pure water with silver ions, dimethylsulfoxide, moomiyo, allantoin and excipients.

Dosage and administration

Rub in dry affected skin area once or twice a day within the first 2-3 days. After decrease in pain reaction use Alezan gel with warming effect. Gel easily absorbs without greasy spots. Avoid contact with mucosae. Do not apply on damaged skin.

Adverse events and complications are not observed in case of administration as per package insert. Contraindications are not available.


Store in closed original package at 5-25°С. Protect from light.

Pharmaceutical form

500 ml bottle.